
Impact of Cloud Computing on Business
Suddenly, in the last ten years or so, the phrase, ‘Oh, it’s in the cloud,” has become far more common. Today, we don’t think much of this new technology and are, in fact, moving towards a complete transition. The use of USBs and other storage devices is slowly falling out of favor for simply storing

The 7 Most Common Problems Businesses Face with Technology
Information technology is critical for businesses and is extremely helpful for residential customers as it has the power to catapult growth when utilized effectively. Conversely, if things aren’t going too well with IT, powerful business tools can quickly become frustrating and expensive roadblocks to achieving business objectives and goals. Through extensive conversations with many

How an IT Professional Can Help Your Business Grow
Information technology, also known as IT, is a comprehensive term that includes all types of technology used to exchange, store, use or create information. Some of the pieces of equipment that are commonly used by IT professionals consist of computers, servers, peripheral devices, routers, Internet connectivity equipment, and phone systems. From basic computer terminals